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5 New Methods of Enhancing Your Critical Thinking Skills

5 New Methods of Enhancing Your Critical Thinking Skills

Publié le 1 déc. 2024 Mis à jour le 1 déc. 2024 Technologie
time 2 min
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lecture 110 lectures

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5 New Methods of Enhancing Your Critical Thinking Skills

Analysis is one of the most important cognitive skills that allow people to filter information and pick the right one. In modern society, critical thinking increases the probability of making a better decision, solving problems, and succeeding in any field. Here are five new strategies to enhance your critical thinking abilities:

Embrace the curiosity mindset

The first process of enhancing critical thinking skills is exercising curiosity. Curiosity as practice, therefore, entails asking questions, searching for change, or advocating for multiple views. By pursuing knowledge all your life, you are better prepared to assess information, assess the evidence, and make the right decision.

Practice active listening

Skills of active listening include making sure one captures the message from the speaker together with the intentions of the speaker, and making sure one responds appropriately. Active listening as an interpersonal communication skil

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