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Energy in Motion

Energy in Motion

Publié le 1 mars 2023 Mis à jour le 1 mars 2023 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 144 lectures

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Energy in Motion

Evolution, Revolution and the human condition

Listen to the interview with the author here

Author: Sally Aderton (USA)

Energy in Motion: Evolution, Revolution and the Human Condition" addresses the hope of a world unified by a new understanding of consciousness. In this book, you will be presented with a clear path to the promise of a peaceful and more loving world with forgiveness as the necessary survival tool for us all. Sally Aderton illustrates her universal spiritual perspective and understanding of the human condition from her experience as a non-denominational spiritual teacher and healer. Sharing true stories about her clients on their self-discovery and healing journeys, she gives a unique insight to the decades of assisting others in having happier and more successful lives. Sally candidly talks about her own spiritual growth, personal healing, and overcoming her own obstacles to peace and understanding.

Throughout the book, there is a constant message of kindness, personal responsibility, respect for all life, and self-reflection as necessities for our human culture on Earth to thrive. Sharing this wisdom, and many miraculous stories, she hopes to awaken even more people to the experience of living in Love and this book shows us all how. Directly from the back of the book, here is what you will find inside: • learning to honor and trust your intuition • an invitation to expand your perception beyond the apparent • choosing surrender and forgiveness to be free of pain from stories that no longer serve you • practicing the exercises, tools, and tips for living your unique spiritual practice and relationship to the Divine as you discover it • listening and learning from the true stories of Sally’s clients as they share their personal transformations and mystical experiences • joining Sally on her journey forward as she discovers the miracle that is life starting her worldwide healing practice at 24, surviving a brain tumor at 37, and continuing to learn to Love No Matter What!




lecture 144 lectures
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