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How The Intersection Of AI And IoT Can Change The World

How The Intersection Of AI And IoT Can Change The World

Publié le 15 janv. 2020 Mis à jour le 30 sept. 2020 Technologie
time 4 min
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lecture 385 lectures

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How The Intersection Of AI And IoT Can Change The World


Ever wondered what does the couple AI-IoT look like? Here’s what Shanika Perera thinks:

"Combining AI and IoT is like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Even though it is not the healthiest thing in the world to eat, it is damn delicious 😍 AI + IoT is just like that."  


via Pixabay

What Is AI?

AI also known as Artificial Intelligence is when a system can execute a set of tasks and even learn and interact with data in a way that seems intelligent. Think of it as a smart creature being able to complete a set of complex tasks using reflective processes similar to those of humans.


via Pixabay

AI is highly demanded because it makes life easier for companies regardless of the industry. Here’s how it does it--

  • Banking

AI is used in the banking industry to

lecture 385 lectures
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