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The differences between English and American English

The differences between English and American English

Publié le 23 juin 2020 Mis à jour le 23 juin 2020 Éducation et formation
time 3 min
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lecture 391 lectures

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The differences between English and American English

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

I appreciate that English is a difficult language to master.  Furthermore, once you have a good grasp of the language, other complications seem to present themselves.  One such complication is the differences between English and American English.  Just when you thought you understood the basic conventions, you realise that grammar and pronunciation seem to differ between those who speak English and those who speak American English.

In this article, I will try to help you understand some of the differences, and how these might impact upon you.   

Language within individual countries develops and changes over time.  For example, even as a native English speaker, I would have problems understanding parts of English text written in 1600.   So, things never

lecture 391 lectures
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