The ability to handle difficult questions during seminars
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The ability to handle difficult questions during seminars
Concepts and approaches
Can you ever be giving a PowerPoint presentation where you make the audience listen to you and understand what you are talking about and then be faced with a grilling by some of the audience members? If so, you're not alone. In the seminars, there are many times that speakers get asked questions that put them on the spot. However, if you understand what might lead to such occurrences, you are in a better position to contain them, relate to your audience, and deliver your content credibly. In this article, several approaches and practices for dealing with difficult questions in seminars will be discussed.
Stay Calm and Composed
It is important to realize that the worst thing you can do when you have been dealt a difficult question is to panic. Here are some techniques to help you stay calm during these challenging moments:
- Take a Deep Breath: All you have to do is breathe in through your nose and breathe out through
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