Managing Threat Understanding with Time-Sensitive Reaction Strategies
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Managing Threat Understanding with Time-Sensitive Reaction Strategies
Coping with Cybersecurity Threats for Organizations
CISOs and information security leaders are now experiencing a world where threats increase exponentially while technology, regulation, and threats evolve. The dynamic nature of threats in cyberspace makes it significant to strike a balance between an organization’s appreciation of those threats and a proper response strategy in preserving an enterprise's defenses. In this article, the author defines the threats and the corresponding measures to be taken and how different organizations could implement the right balance of threat understanding and measures, besides putting forward clear procedures of threat preparedness.
What are cybersecurity threats?
Awareness of the risks posed by cybercriminals is the initial obtaining of insight into the horizon of danger for an enterprise. Organizations have to keep track of cybersecurity threats specific to their industry and enterprise-level thre
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