The Old Dilemma
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The Old Dilemma
Ethics of care and disposal in modern society.
Elderly care and management are matters of ethical nature that arise due to increase in the global population of the aging clients. On the one hand, there are ethical reasons when it is shameful not to pray for elderly people as a sign of the same respect and mercy. In contrast, the techniques that are used in the disposal of products like euthanasia and assisted suicide have been isolated as unethical. As for this field, this article explores the concerns of ethics in relation to elderly care and their disposal in the modern society and the disturbing clamor for more than just their care but also their proper disposal.
In the following points we will demonstrate that there is an ethical duty to respect the elderly or rather care for them.
There is a responsibility to love and look after those who loved us back and who have been productive members of society throughout their age. The ot
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