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Is There an Israeli Case ?

Is There an Israeli Case ?

Publicado el 9, feb., 2024 Actualizado 9, feb., 2024 Cultura
time 4 min
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Is There an Israeli Case ?


Yes indeed my question is : is there an Israeli Case ? Because there is not an Israeli Genocide, and ICJ showed a bit of caution on such a very serious charge while Hamas is not at all charged (! : but why ?) Anyway, my purpose is : some put on the table such a discussion by raising that question I even think it is a delusive one; I think to INSS Insight which talks about "the Israeli Case" and at the same time deals with right and interesting problematics. Before explaining my way of thinking, I would like to talk about the choice of the photo (source : Haaretz Opinion, Feb. 8th) which can show one more time the involvement and commitment of US into such a war from Hamas (terrorism) to Israel (State) and US spokeman who (one among others) tries to solve a dangerous gap between America and Israel as Democracy ; I could have choose two other photos, in the same direction or with the same avowed aim (who disbelieves in bad aims of US,

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