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come and read me

come and read me

Pubblicato 22 mar 2020 Aggiornato 3 lug 2021 Curiosità
time 1 min
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lecture 87 letturas

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come and read me

come and read me cos I'm irie

come n read me cos I'm heer

if I had cash I would be a driver

but I'm a lethal smocker

imma so far im in the southern

that love burns me soul

I'm shocked I've had headshocks

now they're ready to be smocked up

my feeling is pain healing

my mood is happy if you have to ask

I know you're sad I'll dry your trears

by all possible ways and if needed I'll create a sijil for u

but I'm poor me kindread soul

I healed my pain with magick and hope I can do it for you

I want your smile,

I want your eyes,

wish you to shine

cos my soul was in darkness and witchcraft saved me

now i'm enlighted, uppped awoken

who you are I don't care cos i'm a shaman

why ? cos i was born wizard n lobotomized but i healed my soul with magick

long distance relationship is possible I've lived it so much times

soulmatres n mindbuddies really exist,

they're my spirits, they're back to me

far far away I saw you all from my third eye

I spread love to all my soulmates n mind buddies.

lecture 87 letture
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