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Squeeze Plays 

Squeeze Plays 

Pubblicato 2 mar 2023 Aggiornato 2 mar 2023 Cultura
time 1 min
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lecture 88 letturas

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Squeeze Plays 

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Author: Jeffrey Marshall (USA)

Squeeze Plays combines finance, intrigue and a closely detailed look and the rich and privileged in New York and London. Two powerful men, a bank chief executive and a tabloid publisher, are at odds over a loan that would keep the publisher afloat. A cunning Russian oligarch appears with an offer of a financial life raft to the publisher - a gambit uncovered by an intrepid financial reporter who senses a big story.
The novel is a character-driven tale that one professional reviewer called the best character-driven book he'd read in a year. The actions and foibles of the main characters - and strong female characters - are played out at length, and the squeeze plays include financial and sexual blackmail, sabotage

lecture 88 letture
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