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Invitation to Panodyssey, the Social Network for the Arts

Invitation to Panodyssey, the Social Network for the Arts

Pubblicato 31 gen 2020 Aggiornato 31 gen 2020 Imprenditorialità
time 3 min
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lecture 499 letturas

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Invitation to Panodyssey, the Social Network for the Arts

Photo by Arthur Elgort


Invitation to Panodyssey, the Social Network for the Arts


by Claudia Moscovici

The twenty-first century has seen an explosion of social networks. Each major network has anticipated and fulfilled a growing social need. Conceived in 2004 by Harvard undergraduate Mark Zuckerberg and his friends as a student networking site, Facebook quickly expanded from Harvard University to other Ivy Leagues and, by 2006, to the entire world. As of December 2019, Facebook has reached 2.5 billion members. Not even its founders could have initially predicted the enormous demand for people to keep in touch, via social media, with family, friends, acquaintances, as well as to post their daily endeavors. Facebook, however, is primarily a personal rather than professional

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Commento (1)


Julien Guyomard 2 anni fa

"This division makes collaboration among different artistic fields a challenge. For example, how does a fiction writer go about finding a film director interested in creating a movie based on the fiction? I’m not talking about vanity projects, done at the expense of the writer, but legitimate collaborations funded by film investors? Similarly, where do musicians find lyricists and producers to create an entire music video or album? How do journalists and historians find documentary cinematographers for their works? As far as I know, before Panodyssey, there was no social network where those in creative fields can easily collaborate both within the same field and with people working in other, complementary, fields."

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