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Working Notes/ Similarities between the Myths of Ophelia and Melinda (a poem)

Working Notes/ Similarities between the Myths of Ophelia and Melinda (a poem)

Pubblicato 3 mar 2023 Aggiornato 3 mar 2023 Cultura
time 1 min
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lecture 50 letturas

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Working Notes/ Similarities between the Myths of Ophelia and Melinda (a poem)

Working Notes/ Similarities between the Myths of Ophelia and Melinda


Worldly power would be away from home just then,

so would the deputy intermediary, and his deputy 

would be none other than a disembodied countertenor

in a metaphorical station waiting room.


The ingenue wouldn't die of her own accord then either.

She wouldn't drown in a river; the house would be set on fire.

Somebody behind an arras would be considering

faction as a way to introduce some conflict.


There'd be something provincial and 

easily and readily misconstruable in this,

something that begs to be misunderstood,

like politeness, like a prophecy.



©Anna Bentley 2022 for the English translation




lecture 50 letture
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