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Earn money by publishing 💶 💷 💵

Earn money by publishing 💶 💷 💵

Publié le 21 juin 2021 Mis à jour le 28 juin 2021 Technologie
time 2 min
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lecture 586 lectures

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Earn money by publishing 💶 💷 💵

📣 Prime subscription is a new feature on Panodyssey!

This is the first time in the world that a writing platform offers its authors and content creators a fully integrated, on-demand monetization system.


I - The Prime subscription

This system allows the author to retain and engage his audience by ensuring a stable and recurring income. It is a simple solution for sharing and promoting exclusive quality content.

On Panodyssey, the author decides! At the time of publication of his writing, the author chooses to share his publication with everyone or only to his Prime subscribers.


II - The advantages

For the author, what are the advantages of the Prime offer?

       👉 Personalize the subscription: set the price and manage the exclusive content

       👉 Have visibility

lecture 586 lectures
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