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Why I Hate Social Media (Sometimes)

Why I Hate Social Media (Sometimes)

Publié le 16 mars 2024 Mis à jour le 19 mars 2024 Société
time 3 min


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Why I Hate Social Media (Sometimes)

I recently discovered a French YouTube channel where the YouTuber does some investigating to shed light on cases that have made the headlines on social networks, such as Eugenia Cooney or Amberlynn Reid, of whom I had never heard. (The channel in question is Aline dessine, if any of you speak French.)

It reminded me just how disgusting humanity can be on the internet.

We all judge

I think it’s normal for people to make certain judgments at times — we’re human. Who, after a bad day at work, hasn’t watched a reality show and thought how stupid the contestants can be, but kept watching because it can be entertaining?

I don’t watch TV anymore, but yes, I admit, when I was a teenager I watched popular TV programs, saw a scantily clad

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Commentaires (3)

Very interesting article ! So, I have a couple of question : (1) What do you think about Panodyssey social media ? (2) What kind of feature / rule of algorithm do you recommand to encourage positive interaction ?

Melodie Langevin il y a 1 mois

1) Well, for the moment, I haven't had many comments on Panodyssey, but I think that, like on Medium (another platform on which I publish), the mindset is positive and constructive, and the comments are going in that direction. The fact that the aim of this type of platform is to share one's writings rather than to show off, like on Instagram or TikTok, means that I don't consider it to be the same type of social network.
2) I don't think it's so much a question of rules and algorithms, but of humanity. Before writing a comment, simply to ask ourselves if it's relevant. A comment saying: 'you're ugly, your article sucks,' only brings negativity, and I just think that, in general, in life, we should refrain from bringing negativity.

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