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A digital education workshop in Palermo thanks to Panodyssey!

A digital education workshop in Palermo thanks to Panodyssey!

Publié le 6 avr. 2023 Mis à jour le 6 avr. 2023 Éducation et formation
time 1 min
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lecture 49 lectures

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A digital education workshop in Palermo thanks to Panodyssey!

On 31st of March 2023, the first workshop dedicated to digital media education was held at CEIPES, one of the Italian partners of the C.R.E.A. project consortium (Creative Room European Alliance, funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme). 

The workshop was led by some CEIPES facilitators and saw the active presence of about twenty students from the "Ninni Cassarà" language school in Palermo, Italy. Students were directed to topics such as new media, creative writing, the digital divide and many others.  

Many exercises have been conducted keeping in mind some fundamental values: collaboration and maximum freedom of expression. These are some of the objectives proposed by the consortium of the project "C.R.E.A." and, in particular, these are the specifications of the platform for creative writing and the creation of digital content entitled "Panodyssey".  

This innovative platform was presented to the participants of the workshop, who showed enthusiasm and curiosity about this exceptional tool that aims, among its final objectives, to expand to all European and world markets. 

The consortium of "C.R.E.A.", composed of partners from France, Italy, Spain, Hungary and Bulgaria aims to spread the platform "Panodyssey" to an increasing audience, so as to completely and radically transform the creative and digital industry. 

The Panodyssey platform is now available in various languages, such as English, French, Spanish, Italian and German, and boasts a team of experienced developers who periodically enrich it with innovative and user-friendly content and features. 

Finally, with the affordable PRO offer, users can enjoy the ability to have a verified account, greater visibility and a wide range of options available to personalize and make their digital creative content more and more attractive. It’s not just about articles or books: the possibilities are endless and the only limit is imagination! 


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